
Contact Details

HomeAuckland Team

Auckland Team:

Karena - 021 611 277

Kelly -  027 686 4416  


7/47 Shelly Beach Rd, 

 St Marys Bay, 

 Auckland 1011


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The Beginning Experience New Zealand is part of the world wide organisation, all working with the common goal of supporting those men, women and children suffering from grief due to divorce, separation and widowhood.

The loss of a loved one through separation, divorce, or death is one of life's most traumatic experiences. Many people who have suffered this loss feel left out by their community, their church, and feel uneasy around married friends, unsure of themselves and uncertain about their futures. This program is intended for those suffering the loss of a love relationship through death, divorce or separation who are ready to come to terms with that loss and begin to move forward with their lives.

Through our program we help to facilitate the resolution of grief.  The process starts with our weekend progam which helps grieving persons focus on their experience and emerge from the darkness of grief into the light of a new beginning. As part of the Beginning Experience community on going facilitation is available to continue to assist those who want more help in moving forward.

The team members in the Beginning Experience ministry are "wounded healers" - specially trained men and women who are themselves widowed, separated or divorced, but further along in the grieving process.

They are impressed with our support

I had divorced and Beginning Experience sounded like a way to regain my self-image. I found just what I needed - the hope that I could recover and start my life again.
It had been two years since my husband's death. I saw a notice in my church bulletin and decided to try it. I needed healing and this was where I found it.
Three years after my husband's death, I thought I was coping pretty well. I was so wrong. Beginning Experience changed me into a much happier person.
As a widow of 7 years, I was skeptical about going to Beginning Experience. I felt no one would understand my pain. The weekend literally saved my life. I found the peace I so longed for.