
Contact Details

HomeAuckland Team

Auckland Team:

Karena - 021 611 277

Kelly -  027 686 4416  


7/47 Shelly Beach Rd, 

 St Marys Bay, 

 Auckland 1011


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In 1973, Sister Josephine Stewart, a family counsellor at the Catholic Renewal Center in Fort Worth, Texas and a divorced friend, Jo Lamia, attended a Marriage Encounter weekend with the intention of developing a program for engaged couples. In the course of the weekend, Ms. Lamia adapted the Marriage Encounter process to face issues and concerns in her own life that had never been addressed. At the close of the weekend, Sister Josephine saw a profound change occur in her friend.

Sister Josephine and other professionals in grief resolution, counselling, psychology, education and spiritual renewal, adapted Ms. Lamia's writings to outline the process for the Beginning Experience weekend.

The copyrighted program was soon in motion throughout the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Great Britain and Ireland. Today, certified teams of peer ministers present the program in communities in nine countries on three continents.

The Beginning Experience, Auckland

 This is how the Beginning Experience started in Auckland.

 A married couple  called Nick and Joyce Devich came across the Beginning Experience in Australia, where they had been looking at Marriage Encounter courses. They returned to New Zealand in great excitement, and lost no time in informing Bishop Mackey who gave them his blessing and encouraged them to get the programme off the ground.

After  ringing  around  lots  of  parishes they came up  with  13 names of  widowed ,  divorced and separated people. The Deviches talked to them about Beginning Experience, and a couple  of weeks later, Nick asked who would like to go to Sydney, to take part in a weekend,  and  as  an added incentive, whoever was brave enough to go , would get a free trip to Australia!! Seven of  the  group accepted, and they also took a priest and sister as well.

On 3 June 1982, eight very  nervous people left Auckland to take part in a Beginning Experience weekend, and out of that number three were invited onto the team. After another Beginning Experience weekend in August in  Sydney, one other person joined the team so that when the first Auckland Beginning Experience weekend took place, the team comprised  of   5   New Zealanders and 5 from Sydney. This was in January l983 in Auckland, and  3 weekends were run that year. The highlight of  the year was a visit from Fr Guy Gau, the executive director of Beginning Experience from the USA . Support groups also  sprang up in the Auckland diocese including a Young Adults Beginning Experience programme.

In 1984 four BE weekends were run.

ln 1986 Beginning Experience was part of a TV Religious programme, which gave us

lots of welcome publicity and from that a team was started in Wellington.

Weekends continued to be held right through to 1991 a big year because Auckland hosted the Regional conference on Akoranga Campus. The Regional Conference is held every 2 years. Some of us recently (2007) went to Perth in Australia for the most recent Regional Conference, and we also attended a Beyond Beginning Experience programme. The next Asia Pacific Regional Conference is being held in Singapore in 2009 and the next International Conference is in Phoenix USA in July 2008.

Over the intervening years Beginning Experience has  had some good and not so good

years, but it has managed to keep going. In 2005 Fr Guy Gau passed away which was a great loss to us. Sister Mary Thomas also retired from the Auckland team, where   she had been responsible for much of the day to day administration publicity and general co-ordination of resources. This was a major change and the role of weekend co­ordinator had to be reassigned and a new Spiritual Director found. We are very fortunate to have Sister Anne Warren as our new Spiritual Director.

The teams now consist of the Auckland team and the Wellington team.

That brings us up to date to January 2008.

Update: January 2015

In September 2013 members from the Wellington and Auckland teams attended an Asia-Pacific Regional Conference in Lismore, Australia.

In July 2014 three Auckland members attended the 40th Anniversary at an International Convention held in New Orleans, USA. This was a special event because it commemorated the life of one of the founders - Sr Josephine Stewart, who died on 8th May 2014.

Unfortunately the Wellington Team have not been able to get enough numbers to continue running the program and have disbanded.

In 2014 one Weekend was held in Auckland - September 2014

Auckland is the only city in New Zealand currently holding Beginning Experience Weekends. The plan is to hold two weekends in 2015 - May and September.

Subsequently Weekends have been held in Auckland every year, the most recent one on 6th -8th September 2024.


 A Harkness (Auckland President) 


They are impressed with our support

I had divorced and Beginning Experience sounded like a way to regain my self-image. I found just what I needed - the hope that I could recover and start my life again.
It had been two years since my husband's death. I saw a notice in my church bulletin and decided to try it. I needed healing and this was where I found it.
Three years after my husband's death, I thought I was coping pretty well. I was so wrong. Beginning Experience changed me into a much happier person.
As a widow of 7 years, I was skeptical about going to Beginning Experience. I felt no one would understand my pain. The weekend literally saved my life. I found the peace I so longed for.